Man threatened to spread married lover's sex video for not celebrating his birthday


Photo for illustration purposes only

SINGAPORE — A man who filmed his sexual dalliances with a married woman without her consent used the footage to get back at her after she refused to celebrate his birthday with him.

The 30-year-old man harassed her to the point of threatening to post compromising photos of her at her parents' HDB block, saying that he hoped to give her elderly father a heart attack.

The man was jailed for eight months on Friday (18 March) after he pleaded guilty to one count each of voyeurism, threatening to distribute intimate recordings of the victim, and recording videos of another woman he had a sexual relationship with.

Met in the workplace

The man had been the victim’s colleague since 2015. They started being intimate towards the end of 2019.In May 2020, the woman discovered obscene photos of herself with the man in the latter’s phone. She deleted the photos before confronting the man, who assured that he would delete them. Trusting the man, the woman did not thoroughly check his phone.

On 9 June, the victim told the man that she would be celebrating Fathers’ Day with her parents in three days time, which coincided with the man’s birthday. In retaliation, the man threatened to plan “surprises” for the woman who would “regret” her choice.

The woman responded by blocking him on social media platforms, further infuriating the man. He texted her on 10 June, threatening to send video recordings of their sexual encounters to her family members, including her parents, in-laws and husband.

Texted her threats continuously

From morning to night, he continually texted her threats to print out a compromising screenshot of her and paste them on her HDB block, or distribute them as flyers. He also threatened to post the videos online, distribute them to her husband’s workplace and to hire a man for three days to approach her parents at their flat.

He went to the extent of visiting her parents' HDB to take a photo of the corridor outside their flat, in order to make her believe that she would expose the affair to her parents.
“He counted down the time to which he would distribute the videos to taunt her and cause her distress, (for example), ‘Ur (sic) time is running out', ‘anyway u only left with 7 mims (sic)’, ‘5 more mins’, ‘4 more mins’, ‘3 more mins’, ‘2 more moms (sic)’, and ‘last mins (sic)’,” said the prosecution.

Knowing that the victim’s father had previously had a heart attack, the man also told her that he would show her father the video until “his heart cannot take it” and she would have to "call 995 for him”.

He ignored her pleas, responding that he wanted to watch her suffer. He also sent her a screenshot showing that he was about to send a video of her in a sexual act to her husband.

In a state of high distress, the woman lodged a police report that evening.

The police raided the man’s flat and seized two mobile phones. Forensic examinations of his phones revealed a video of the woman engaged in sexual acts with the man fully nude and her face revealed. The video was taken between February and March 2020 at his flat and was filmed without her knowledge.

Five other videos involving another woman in sexual acts, dating back to 2018 were unearthed. These were also taken without the consent of this woman, who was the man’s ex-colleague.

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